Wealth Creation Strategies

How You Can Easily Set SMART Goals

Learn more about how you can make an IMPACT!!

The Wellness Company has been the market leader in concentrated products backed by science for almost three decades. It does what no one else can: they create concentrated, safe, and effective products. It all adds up to significant cost savings for both you and the environment. Concentrated products provide a benefit for you and our […]


  Honestly, this story by Kurotamunoye A.S Amadi-Rapheal  touched and made me think, “why do we do things in secrecy?” Before I review our secret too, please allow me to share this inspiring and educative lesson with you, please read up to the end and I quote! “I went to see a blind buddy of […]

Discover how entrepreneurship can make you a millionaire and employ others

ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR JOB AND WEALTH CREATION is the name of our programme. It is a comprehensive Entrepreneurship capacity building programme as outlined in the 12-month roadmap, not just training. Training is only one part of the puzzle. Entrepreneurship and small business management training, mentorship, coaching, participation at various business events, business plan preparation, […]

The 4 Pillars of Building Your Business Faster and Consistently

Here are the fours pillars that successful entrepreneurs use daily to  constantly build their business to a higher level: Taking Massive Action Keeping the Momentum Be Consistent in your actions Get committed to your core calling or WHY Listen to the audio below how I have consistently built my business from the scratch.  

Development Program for job and Wealth Creation Workshop

On 17th Of February 2022, CJInvestiment and its partner SGM- Intrapreneurs Development Cycles of Zambia, in Collaboration with Pretew Food Solutions Limited and ReuMailFab & Marketing technologies and marketing limited held an induction course for its 27 District Program Facilitators drawn from 10 provinces of Zambia. The two-day induction course was held at the Blue […]

Motives for Starting a Business

  Entrepreneurs are driven to start their businesses for various reasons, which vary from person to person. Entrepreneurs want to run their own businesses. They want to build a company that will last beyond their lifetimes. These people are running their businesses based on what they believe in and how they want to spend their […]


In the beginning stages of real estate investing, you’re probably reading books and blogs, exchanging ideas with other investors, and even establishing a social media presence. In addition to building your network and your self-confidence, you’ll also want to equip yourself with the latest digital tools. These are the tools and apps that my team and I rely […]

Do Trusts Protect Your Wealth?

The D G Institute’s Master Wealth Class on Wealth Protection in Sydney in 2017 was an eye-opening experience. Many people, including myself, believe that a trust set up for tax purposes can be used to protect one’s wealth. This is not the case. When creditors try to seize your assets, the law can cut right […]

Are you struggling to find net worth investors?

Are struggling to find net worth investors? Are you spending more money on ads in search of investors for your business but no results? We have an answer for you right now… Many ordinary and seasoned investors use this system consistently and are pulling net worth investors from LinkedIn  “We’ve attracted several new clients, […]

Long term residual income for life from a product people Need

This product is as good as real estate investing which gives you long-term income. Apart from video streaming, you also have  a testimonial generator that you can send to clients and shoot audio or video testimonials in minutes. Therefore, invest once and reap for life! Watch the short video and get an insight into this […]

New Investiment Offer from EK Capital

According to  CoreLogic’s first Home Value Index for 2022, There has been a 1% rise in home values over December, Australia’s housing values ended the calendar year 22.1% higher. The pace of national capital growth has continued to wane since the Index moved through a cyclical high of 2.8% growth in March 2021. As dwelling […]

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