Achieve Proven Results with a Real Estate Management Team You Trust.

We specialize in real estate investing, e-learning platforms, and implementation strategies.
Are you a first-time home buyer or a seasonal investor looking for professional help that’s affordable? I will help you increase your ability to manufacture wealth and sales, generate leads, create marketing that actually produces results, increase your revenue substantially, and position your real estate portfolio as the dominant force in your community.
Pre- and Post-Deal Education Offer

We are excited to provide our defined ‘award-winning’ products or services if you decide to work with us and develop your property portfolio.

The Financial Wellness Strategy, in association with EK Capital and Perth Brokers, aim to help individuals manage their financial situation and achieve financial independence. By providing reliable lenders, the strategy aims to help individuals stay inspired, informed, and obedient. The strategy also includes mortgage and finance specialists to help individuals build a portfolio that can save thousands of dollars in interest and tax benefits, ultimately leading to positive cash flow. Safely access the application here:

Products or services we most value within our company

The most valued service is our e-learning platform, which educates potential investors and first-time home buyers on our investing blueprint.


Our clientele:

Busy professionals like doctors and nurses, dentists, and chiropractors.
Executives of companies and first-time home buyers.


We identify early opportunities in emerging markets with potential for rental growth and property appreciation. CJ Investments applies this approach across the sector. We use defined acquisition criteria and an operating platform to acquire properties where value can be added. We have partnerships with lenders and financial sponsors that provide financing, as well as relationships with contractors, property owners, brokers, and other real estate professionals for access to proprietary deals. We work with renovation and repositioning professionals who have local market knowledge to complete high-quality property renovations. We also partner with third-party property management companies to improve tenant profiles. Our assets have a history of generating returns without losing investment capital.

Our strong shareholder alignment has benefited CJ Investments. Investors can earn a six percent (6%) annual preferred return, paid quarterly. We prioritize transparency in all aspects of operations. Management invests alongside institutional partners, family offices, and accredited investors. The 1031 exchange capability allows investors to stay in the deal after the return of capital and continue to receive gains.

How We Stand Out from Our Competitors

Selecting the ideal operational partner is the first step towards mitigating risks in syndications. An experienced operator will adeptly choose the optimal property and market, ensuring effective management. While having a basic understanding of market analysis is important, selecting the appropriate operator is ultimately crucial. We would be honored to serve as your preferred supplier, emphasizing the importance of “who” over “how.” With extensive experience managing multifamily properties, we currently oversee approximately 200 units. Our expertise has enabled us to safeguard our clients’ investments by thoroughly vetting and rejecting multiple transactions.

Our Greatest Business Achievements

We attribute our success to unwavering determination and resilience. By harnessing our inner strength, we navigate through challenging situations with precision and confidence. Our dedication to excellence has been recognized internationally, and we have received several awards in recent years. Notable achievements include:

  • 2012 admitted to the exclusive ranks of premier professionals’  at “STANDFORD WHO’S WHO” as a result of my exceptional entrepreneurial effort as an extraordinary entrepreneurial webmaster who provides advice to new businesses about affiliate corporations, marketing strategies, and superior products that can help them to excel in their entrepreneurial efforts.
  • 2023 More Conference, Dubai, UAE: Outstanding Leadership Award for contributions to the real estate and construction fields.
  • 2024 CXO 2.0 Conference, Dubai, UAE: Outstanding Leadership Award for contributions to the field of CXOs.
  • 2024 Wealth & Finance International, UK: Most Innovative Real Estate Investment Firm—Western Australia.

These accolades underscore our commitment to innovation and leadership within the real estate industry.




We will help you acquire the basic business management skills and transform them into highly profitable ventures that will bring you financial freedom…

And, using peace of mind, you can perform all these techniques with complete confidence that you have the knowledge and hands-on assistance of an expert guide all the way from acquisition to execution.


This is a very important decision. Allow me to assist you.

Forget everything you’ve read for a second and ask yourself: “Who is your ideal customer?”


It should be clear that I’m not solely responsible for directing you here.

In general, it is because of an unmet goal, an unrealised potential, or an unexamined life that people seek to find a path.

Although I may not know you, whatever it is that compels you to read this, please accept my gratitude.

That’s why you’re here.

I’m hoping you are one of the few who truly cares about seeing this become a reality, because I believe you are one of the few who possesses the drive to make it happen.

You have already discovered who you want to be, deep down.

Now that everything has been done, the last step is to own it.

Sign up for my course and experience the relief and confidence in achieving financial freedom!

Sign up Now to get started!

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

— Nelson Mandela


Business Coaching Services For Business Owners.

Profit Acceleration Software

Profit Acceleration Software

We provide our revolutionary new business assessment software specifically developed to seek out and identify massive financial breakthroughs in multiple areas within your business to make a million dollars in revenue.

Our software will help you understand the 80/20 rule, a secret source for running a profitable business by embracing a concept we refer to as ‘Exponential Growth’ the five critical areas in less than 45 minutes:

  1. Leads
  2. Conversions
  3. Transaction
  4. Pricing
  5. Profits

Whom we do it for?

We have helped service providers and professional business owners in our communities and around the world.

What Makes us Different?

Our profit Acceleration Software can find you more than$100,000 in additional annual revenue in 45 minutes and without you spending any additional money on marketing or advertising.

Our profit acceleration software is the ultimate process you need to do this right anytime.

If you would like us to assess your business using our revolutionary new Profit Acceleration Software that details the specific strategies that can generate massive financial breakthroughs for your business and hand you your own customized road map for success along with detailed report that will position your business as a dominant force in your industry, then schedule an appointment on my calendar for us to speak.


Charles Kaluwasha

Profit Acceleration Specialists

At New Zealand Int Airport, 2014


At the Dubai conference in 2024, we deliberated on the importance of having a marketing domination position as one of the strategic positions in the markets.HONESTe Seal - Click to verify before you buy!

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Entrepreneurship & Real Estate Academy

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