Wealth Creation Strategies

Available opportunities for investors in Australia

  There is more opportunity available in real estate today than any other time in recorded history. Knowing where to focus and how to find deals is critically essential. We have developed good relationships with well-renowned property developers around Australia whom we get in contact for any new developments around the country. Because of this […]

Creating a Culture

Constructing a team is a good thing. Creating a “culture” of teamwork is much better. The post below from “The Balance” can give you important input about creating a culture for your team. These can make a difference in your team’s success. Teams with a team culture are aware that every success of every individual […]

Revealed: The exact 5-step ‘marketing system’ we use to flood businesses with 50+ high-value dream clients in 28-days or less (even during a recession).

By using a 3 tiered scientific system, now banned in the political world as deemed too powerful, are now able to provide Real Estate leaders like yourself a solution to the problem created by Covid-19. If I was able to tell you that they are able to produce you a conversion rate of 210% higher than your current PPC campaign, […]

Understanding Your Credit Score Empowers You to negotiate a better deal on your loans.

Definition According to GetCreditScore, a credit score is a number that is calculated based on the information in your credit report, which helps credit providers know how responsible you are to lend to, and whether you have the endurance to pay them back.. GetCreditScore features the Equifax Score, which is used by hundreds of lenders and credit providers […]

The Number One Step To Building Your Wealth

When I started my journey searching for ways to building wealth, I asked many people how they take the first step to building wealth. The answers I received were shocking! Some did not even know where their wealth was at present. Others had no idea at all. The elite people tried to guess that their […]

Planning to Retire?

You could get a financial planner to analyse your position and come up with some answers on how to structure your retirement.  As a valued CJ Investiment client, we’re offering you the opportunity to start building a better future with your own personal retirement review at no cost to you for a limited time. EK Capital is […]

Personal Finance and Wealth Creation

“… houses will be a better investment than stocks over the long term. …I would buy millions of single family homes if I had the means to manage them.” -Warren Buffett Before we dive into wealth creation, lets  review what we know about personal finances. Those of us who are baby boomers, we did not […]


The best place to start your wealth-building is with you. No one cares more about your wealth than you. Of course, your wealth team plays an important role, but you are the best person to build your wealth. You are the one who is best able to identify wealth building opportunities because you are the one who is in the day-to-day activity and that is where the opportunities are. This was my first motivation to start…

Are You Stuck with Investing Ideas?

As you get stuck into investing, I thought I would share a few stories from other investors around the globe who are on the same journey as you! In today’s article, we shall feature new investors from New Zealand’s investing platform called Sharesies. Sharesis is regulated by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA), and by the New Zealand Stock […]

The #One Tool That Can Help You Establish Credibility, Attract Investors, And Fund Deals Faster In Today’s Market Is.

I am blessed to establish a relationship with one of the creators of a tool that has helped thousands of real estate entrepreneurs attract credited investors into their businesses. It allows you to attract investors without you chasing after them on a daily basis and the one common pattern I see that separates major players […]

You Don’t Have to Be the Expert to Understand How Your Actions Impact Your Taxes and Your Finances

When it comes to running your business either online or a rental property, you should have experts on your team, who can do the work for you. Most people are taught to turn their finances over to a financial advisor who is not part of the business. And, they are usually taught that taxes are too difficult so they […]

Why you should use case studies in your marketing campaigns

Why do we use case studies in sales and marketing? You’re no longer telling the world how awesome you are, you’re SHOWING them. The primary purpose is to create and enhance TRUST. It’s a testimonial made REAL. A well-crafted case study allows you to illustrate and explain the benefits of your business, product or service by using a real-life account  […]

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