Self Development

The Ten Laws of Leadership

The five Laws of Leadership are essential for success in network marketing. The first law states that the leader sets the example by being out front, demonstrating the right work habits and attitude to their group. The second law emphasizes the importance of integrity and character, as it instills pride and confidence in the team. […]

Process and Procedures- A case study adopting restaurant regulation and processes

Front team | cjinvestiment

Francisco recognized the importance of adapting restaurant regulations and processes as his business grew, both to preserve quality and to maximize revenue and profits. He also implemented a new dynamic pricing strategy for reservations. The price of a meal was slightly higher during peak dining hours and lower during off-peak hours. This improved the restaurant’s […]

The MAP Strategy in Digital Marketing

In this video, you will discover one thing that comes to mind and how you can create a strategy in your company. We call this MAP strategy, Meet, Ask for time and Present your company offer. Customers nowadays already expect seamless and customized experiences from the goods and services they purchase. The customer experience of […]

How We Create A Competition-Crushing Sales Process

Investment Plan

We’ve helped build countless businesses and marketed them with a system that has consistently tripled revenues, profit, and exposure. In record time. We’ve done it for start-ups, Fortune 500 companies, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturing concerns, and Internet-based companies. We can do it for you too, if, you will allow us! The marketing process we’ve followed has […]

Stun Them Into Submission

Travel Club Membership2023

Today, we’ll look at the five crucial elements of a marketing campaign launch that is both successful and sustainable. These are fundamentals that you will find yourself using again and again once you have them down. The five crucial elements are as follows: identify your unique selling proposition (USP); implement a strong sales offer; stay […]

Learn and beat the economy

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Knowledge is power. In today’s competitive world, you must gain skills or knowledge to penetrate the world market. Find some courses to close the knowledge gap. We have the answer for you. We have created short courses that you can afford and give yourself a pay rise… Dive in here and grab a few courses […]

The man behind CJ Investiments

Charles Vincent Kaluwasha is the Founder and C EO of CJ Investiments Pty Ltd. The goal is to help business owners generate more clients, close more sales, and increase their revenue and profits quickly and inexpensively. He specializes in sales and marketing for small business owners, understanding the complex issues facing them in today’s volatile […]

Basics of Finance Tips


When I was 22, I landed my first job that paid reasonably well. I made $2,000 in my first month, which was a lot of money for me. In a way, I did. But, being a typical adolescent, I wasted it all. Here are the things I would tell my past self if I could […]

Tax deductions related to your investment

residential real estate investing

As the financial year comes to a close, I wanted to touch base with all my clients and investors and ensure you’re taking advantage of all possible tax deductions related to your investment. Here are five items you should consider including in your tax deduction: 1. Interest Repayments – Despite being an ongoing expense, you […]

My Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the internet and online-based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Many businesses attempt to market online, but those that do often use marketing that: Provides no compelling reason for a customer to […]

Discover 5 areas to generate more clients, close more sales, and increase overall revenue

Front team | cjinvestiment

My goal is straightforward – to help serious business owners generate more clients, close more sales, and increase their overall revenue and profits quickly and inexpensively. If you’re interested in adding an extra $500,000 to your revenue over the next 12 months without selling more time for money, I can help you. I specialize in […]

Building a Profitable Business Model


  Before founding Architecting Profits, Justin and Brenda observed numerous business owners stressed out and battling to maintain their competitive edge. They were putting in 60 to 80-hour work weeks while pursuing the newest strategies to attract additional clients and working weekends as well and hardly making a profit from their labour.   We were […]

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