Self Development

Discover 12 Successful Factors Your Home Based Business Must Have to Succeed and Grow

To achieve the above you must follow and implement good and effective building strategies that are best and workable. How to drastically increase the number of people who say yes to becoming a life-long customer and decide to work with you as a business partner. The ingredients that are necessary to have a sustainable product […]

How to maintain a positive mindset this holiday season

Do you have a love-hate relationship with the holidays?  Like you can’t wait to indulge in the eggnog and sugar cookies . . . and buy everyone the best gifts, but know you’re going to regret it when it’s finally time to remove the Christmas sweater and pay off your credit card debt? Some people […]

Bringing Value, Solving Problems and Leaving a Legacy Book Project

This book is shaping up to be unique. We have the best people part of this project! I am amongst the 37 authors worldwide writing this book in the history of entrepreneurs coming together and share our stories. This project aims at helping entrepreneurs like you to build your business by leveraging some powerful celebrity […]

Cedar Tree Learning System

OUR BRAND-NEW REAL ESTATE INVESTING COURSE Posted by: Charles Vincent Kaluwasha | November 10, 2019   Work with Charles Introduction! The Cedar Tree Learning System: A Business Model That Will Stand The Test Of Time! Powered by Blog This WOW   In Psalms 92:12 “It reads, ‘The Righteous “shall grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon” I relate this […]

Want To Create A Better Future for Yourself and Family?

  When I purchased Real Estate Rescue, I bought into a community that is designed to help me succeed. I also extend this invite to you about how you can get the most out of this Real Estate Rescue membership this month. One way that brings the Real Estate Rescue community together is through workshops. […]

Attract High-Net Investors by Tapping into a New Way of using LinkedIn

  Generating leads online has become increasingly important with in-person events, all but shelved during COVID. For multifamily investors and business owners, social media is an excellent outlet for attracting investors. And while most people turn to Facebook, another platform might be even more potent for raising capital LinkedIn is designed for professionals seeking connections and makes […]

Let’s look at two email service providers: GetResponse vs AWeber

Picking the best email marketing service provider for your real estate business can determine success or failure with your campaigns. So let’s look at two email service providers: GetResponse vs AWeber. Which of these two has a better deal for your business? It’s easy for us to say “GetResponse!” But that won’t be fair, as we’d naturally be […]

The # 1 secrete I use to easily connect with network marketers

If you want to be successful online or in building your business, don’t waste time on tire kickers. Instead, concentrate on connecting with network marketers who know the importance of networking. You should also have a systematic system to connect with marketers without infringing on their rights. The system that I use helps you to […]

Available opportunities for investors in Australia

  There is more opportunity available in real estate today than any other time in recorded history. Knowing where to focus and how to find deals is critically essential. We have developed good relationships with well-renowned property developers around Australia whom we get in contact for any new developments around the country. Because of this […]

Creating a Culture

Constructing a team is a good thing. Creating a “culture” of teamwork is much better. The post below from “The Balance” can give you important input about creating a culture for your team. These can make a difference in your team’s success. Teams with a team culture are aware that every success of every individual […]


As a business owner, what’s worse than not making money? It’s losing money Let’s break this down If you’ve never lost money then it probably means you haven’t taken enough risks Or the risks were so small it didn’t keep you up at night And if you haven’t risked it all, then you’re unlikely to […]

Tony Robbin’s Knowledge Broker Blueprint course Re-opens for 48 hrs Only…

When the Knowledge Broker Blueprint Course + 12 Months Mindmint Software (+ all the crazy bonuses) actually shut down Monday at midnight, Tony & Dean said people were in shock! It’s true… yesterday morning they said their team woke up to over 5,000 messages from people who couldn’t believe it, who wanted in and didn’t […]

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SIGN UP AND GRAB MY NEW E-BOOK & GIFTS WORTH $100-"Bringing Value,Solving Problems AND Leaving a Legacy," if you want to become a successful entrepreneur.