
Your Dream Home Begins with Us!

New units on sale | cjinvestiment

Learn how you can purchase your first home in three months without the typical 10% down payment. It’s incredible! You can transform from a number to a person who matters. Testimonials are available. This transformation isn’t the result of chance; rather, it’s about finding the right person to support you. Picture this scenario: You’re having […]

Want Free Money-Working Website?

investment into property | cjinvestiment

Allow me to pose a query to you… Are you attempting to launch an internet company? If so, please let me know if you recognise this: You’re interested in making money online, but you can’t seem to get past the technical aspects of launching an internet business. You need to know HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP, […]

Who is Charles Kaluwasha?

He is visionary entrepreneur and a Registered Nurse (Master of Nursing (Clinical, 2013) in New Zealand) At 12 years old, he started his garden across the Musekelembwa River in Zambezi District, growing tomatoes to sell and support himself at school 1992 Entrepreneurship workshop by ministry of commerce & Industry, Zambia. 1998 Chicken and garden project […]

Save $1000 per couple and more with Globus Tours and The Royale Travel Club!

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to travel. We therefore suggest a range of approaches to travel: close to home and abroad, off the usual route, into the famous, or independently. Whatever your preferred method of travel, one thing is for sure: you won’t have to worry about scheduling, organizing, getting around, finding lodging, or professional […]

Now Is a Great Time for Women Who Want to Start a Home-Based Business

group investment in real estate

Image by Pexels Home-based businesses are growing in popularity because today’s technology has made them easier and more profitable than at any other time in history. Thanks to social media for marketing, the availability of sales sites like Etsy or Shopify, and the ease of obtaining inventory since most providers will ship to you in […]

Expected Beneficiaries’ Activities and Benefits

 The EDC Chief Executive Officer, Mr Steward Makanse, outlined the activities that the beneficiaries were expected to undertake and the benefits thereof. He delivered his task through a PowerPoint pictorial presentation. He said that as beneficiaries of the EDC/CJ Investments entrepreneurship programme: They would be placed on a twelve (12) month pathway training during […]

District Commissioner implores entrepreneurs development circles to develop Entrepreneurial Mind for Job and Wealth Creation

  The guest of honour, Nyimba District Commissioner Mr Paul Daka delivered his speech to launch the programme in Nyimba and began by saying that he was extremely delighted and felt humbled to have been invited to officially launch EDC and CJ Investment’s entrepreneurship development programme in Nyimba district today. The new dawn government’s desire […]

Demand for travel is skyrocketing!

  I’ve been hard at work with the Royale Travel Club building a done-for-you marketing system that turns travels into discounted Trips and accommodation throughout the years and for life. The Royale Travel Club is a bargain travel club for value-seeking travellers. We have the unique ability to negotiate drastically discounted rates at some of […]

Home Guarantee Program grows

  If you have family or friends who want to become homeowners like you, telling them about an extended support programme that can greatly lower their upfront expenditures could earn you some real brownie points. To help people overcome the high costs associated with joining the housing market, the federal government’s Home Guarantee Scheme will […]

Reserve Bank of Australia(RBA) Lifted the Cash rate target by 50 basis points to 1.35

The cash rate target was raised by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) today by 50 basis points to 1.35 per cent, as was widely anticipated. This is the RBA’s third consecutive rate increase, and more are likely throughout the year as the government works to rein in inflation. With mortgage and utility expenses continuing […]

Discounts,Special Fares and Childrens Free Flights with The Royale Travel Club

Each month The Royale Travel Club will bring you a new digital magazine edition featuring delicious recipes, riveting articles, decorating tips, and more! Club members have access to the current edition, as well as previous editions, 24/7 by logging into our member website and going to the Resources tab, and from there choosing American Lifestyle! It’s […]

My journey from nurse to an entrepreneur

My name is Charles Kaluwasha, the CEO and Company’s training manager at C J Investiments Pty Ltd, LifeOnTheNet.Com  and Build A Wealth System where we give away 200 fully functioning WP sites.              It is an honour and privilege to share with you virtually, and I would like to welcome all of you to our  Entrepreneurs Development […]

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