entrepreneurship education in schools

We are developing entrepreneurial minds among the 19 Million+ Zambian people for job and wealth creation.


  EDC & CJInvstiment is implementing a Certified Entrepreneurship Development Programme to develop an entrepreneurial mind among all people for job and wealth creation. The programme is being implemented in partnership with EDC of Zambia with support from the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Small Scale Industries Association of Zambia. The programme […]

Developing an entrepreneurial mind among the Zambian people and the world for Job and wealth creation

 CJ Investment Founder/CEO delivered his member welcoming statement “If you really want something valuable, never give up, Focus on your Mission, and be open to seeing new Opportunities” Charles Kaluwasha the partner based in Australia. The Club member welcoming statement was virtually-delivered After salutations, Charles began by introducing himself and the company CJ Investments, where […]

My journey from nurse to an entrepreneur

My name is Charles Kaluwasha, the CEO and Company’s training manager at C J Investiments Pty Ltd, LifeOnTheNet.Com  and Build A Wealth System where we give away 200 fully functioning WP sites.              It is an honour and privilege to share with you virtually, and I would like to welcome all of you to our  Entrepreneurs Development […]

Development Program for job and Wealth Creation Workshop

On 17th Of February 2022, CJInvestiment and its partner SGM- Intrapreneurs Development Cycles of Zambia, in Collaboration with Pretew Food Solutions Limited and ReuMailFab & Marketing technologies and marketing limited held an induction course for its 27 District Program Facilitators drawn from 10 provinces of Zambia. The two-day induction course was held at the Blue […]

Our plan to make entrepreneurship education a requirement for high School Students

Students in high schools will be required to take courses on entrepreneurship as part of our new policy. In order to develop a great future for our country, EDC-CJI partners feel that we need to start teaching young people about entrepreneurship now. The “Learning Institutions and Community Entrepreneurship Club (LCEC) Program” developed by EDC-CJI aims […]

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