
Reach your investment objectives: Use loans to support your plan

Investment Plan

We have access to loan products that aren’t advertised by lenders. They might provide more enticing interest rates or extras that can save you money on interest. Rely on your industry knowledge We can also help you be more successful with your real estate investments since we are continuously aware of the intricate and constantly […]

Meet your investment goals: Use loans to fund your strategy


Having the correct team of experts by your side throughout your investment journey is crucial, regardless of how experienced or inexperienced you are in the world of real estate investing. This is how we can assist. Get the loan that would best suit your investing plan. How do you decide which investment loan is best […]

How Well Do You Know Your Vendors?


  Relationship building is one of the most fundamental ways to develop your business. By building relationships with your vendors and those around, you have the potential to bring in new customers and/or clients, while also increasing awareness of your company branding. The people with whom you work directly on your products and services are […]

How We Make Sure You Select “Your Ideal Target Market” video

investment into property | cjinvestiment

With the help of the physical / emotional profile worksheets, you should now have a clearly defined profile of the physical and emotional characteristics that define your target customer… and you should have selected the one hot button that you feel most passionate about. That hot button has now become your niche market. Selecting your […]

Unleashing the Power of Digital Marketing and AI: A Transformative Conference Experience


Step into the captivating world of a business conference event where Charles Kaluwasha, an esteemed expert in digital marketing and AI for real estate investment, takes the stage to deliver an enlightening and empowering speech. In this video, immerse yourself in the energy and excitement of the event as Charles Kaluwasha shares their vast experience […]

The Golden Path to Real Estate Investment: A Guide By C J Investiments Pty Ltd

Real Estate Investment

C J Investiments Pty Ltd stands ready to empower people and businesses with a varied selection of services designed to maximize profits and stimulate financial progress as the world of real estate investment continues to evolve. C J Investiments is your trusted partner in navigating the volatile real estate market, with a consistent dedication to […]

Tax deductions related to your investment

residential real estate investing

As the financial year comes to a close, I wanted to touch base with all my clients and investors and ensure you’re taking advantage of all possible tax deductions related to your investment. Here are five items you should consider including in your tax deduction: 1. Interest Repayments – Despite being an ongoing expense, you […]

Your Worth is Tied to Your Net Worth, Is it True?

“Declare Independence From the Idea that Your Worth is Tied to Your Net Worth.” A lot of people get very wrapped up in their net worth. And it can cause a lot of undue stress. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Think about it this way. Your net worth is just a number. […]

Free Training for business owners

investment of real estate

Building a Profitable Business Model Before founding Architecting Profits, Justine and Brenda observed numerous business owners stressed out and battling to maintain their competitive edge. They were putting in 60 to 80-hour work weeks while pursuing the newest strategies to attract additional clients, working weekends, and hardly making a profit from their labour. We were […]

What do all entrepreneurs of small businesses expect from a business coach?


What is it that all small business owners want from a business coach? When you sit down to offer business owners your coaching services, you’ll be prepared once you know what they want. But you must first comprehend what business owners currently receive from the majority of trainers in order to comprehend what they want. […]

My Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the internet and online-based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Many businesses attempt to market online, but those that do often use marketing that: Provides no compelling reason for a customer to […]

Discover 5 areas to generate more clients, close more sales, and increase overall revenue

Front team | cjinvestiment

My goal is straightforward – to help serious business owners generate more clients, close more sales, and increase their overall revenue and profits quickly and inexpensively. If you’re interested in adding an extra $500,000 to your revenue over the next 12 months without selling more time for money, I can help you. I specialize in […]

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