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We are developing entrepreneurial minds among the 19 Million+  Zambian people for job and wealth creation.

    CJInvstiments is implementing a Certified Entrepreneurship Development Programme to develop an entrepreneurial mind among all people for job and wealth creation. The programme is being implemented in partnership with EDC of Zambia with support from the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Small Scale Industries Association of Zambia. The programme is […]

Investing in Small Apartments Course

Dear Money Seeker, I won’t mince words with you. If you are tired of beating your head against your computer screen trying to figure out this “make money” stuff, reading this letter for 5 minutes is going to rock your world. Especially if you’re new to investing. Why is that? Because I am going to […]

Our Brand-New Real Estate Investing Course

Introduction! The Cedar Tree System: A Business Model That Will Stand The Test Of Time! Powered by WordPress In Psalms 92:12 “It reads, ‘The Righteous “shall grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon”I relate this verse to the business model that is uplifting the living standards of ordinary people who have Never Made a dim, […]

Create your own product to make a “Big Flush” with your online business

If you hope to make as big a splash as possible with your online business,creating and launching your own products is a necessity. You can make a good deal of money either reselling other people products or through affiliate marketing, but the real paydays lie in being the personwho gets the lion’s share of the […]

Newsletter Subscription

SIGN UP AND GRAB MY NEW E-BOOK & GIFTS WORTH $100-"Bringing Value,Solving Problems AND Leaving a Legacy," if you want to become a successful entrepreneur.