Without funding, we can’t explore new approaches or make progress.

Without funding, we can’t explore new approaches or make progress.

Greetings, Charles,


I am Dr. Lavinia Spain, a cancer researcher at Peter Mac and the recipient of a 2024 Discovery Partner Fellowship.

Discovery Partner Fellowships provide clinical researchers, such as myself, with funds and time to advance research initiatives aimed at enhancing cancer therapies.

I am writing to express my gratitude for your assistance as a Peter Mac Discovery Partner. Your support has afforded me the time to advance my research and enhance therapies for individuals with melanoma.

Melanoma ranks as the third most prevalent cancer in Australia, with an individual diagnosed every 30 minutes. Fortunately, at Peter Mac, we are advancing towards more efficacious treatments and cures.

I am now examining many methods to improve melanoma treatment, including:

the prospective impact of a high-fibre diet on enhancing outcomes

Adverse effects associated with immunotherapies and strategies for their effective management

Enabling access to novel therapies via clinical trials.

My research seeks to enhance the existing therapies utilizing immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). I seek pragmatic methods to enhance their advantages and mitigate adverse impacts.

ICIs are intravenous treatments that bind to ‘stop’ signals on immune cells, inhibiting the communication that instructs these immune cells to deactivate. They enhance the immune system’s capacity to recognize and combat cancer cells.

Melanoma exemplifies tumors that effectively react to immune checkpoint inhibitors. They have fundamentally transformed the field, enabling the induction of enduring remissions.

We are successfully treating numerous patients with these medicines; yet, there is potential for enhancement. A significant number of individuals do not derive benefits, and the adverse effects can be rather detrimental.

I sincerely appreciate your support. In the absence of funds, we are unable to investigate novel methodologies or achieve advancement.

I anticipate that the forthcoming efforts will demonstrate our ability to identify improved methods for managing the side effects of these medications, hence reducing the necessity for extended hospital stays.

I extend my profound gratitude for facilitating these Fellowships.

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