Entrepreneurs Development Circles

Entrepreneurs Development Circles

About Us
On 20 June 2021, C J Investiment signed an MoU with SGM-Entrepreneurs Development Circles of Zambia to provide business development services and contribute to Zambia’s entrepreneurship development. This joint program aims to develop an “entrepreneurial mind” among Zambians for job and wealth creation. We seek to augment the government’s efforts in actualising vision 2030 and the programs articulated in the 7 th National Development and subsidiary plans of making Zambia a Prosperous and Poverty-free Society with sustainable employment opportunities that guarantee wealth for its people.

The program will be implemented through Entrepreneurship Clubs that will be formed in secondary schools, colleges and universities and in communities to cater for the unemployed youths, those working in the informal sector and ready to respond to the government’s call to take entrepreneurship as a vehicle to grow the economy through enterprise development, job creation.

Interested individuals countrywide and beyond with a passion for developing into successful entrepreneurs can become members.

Vision Statement

“Productive and wealthy nations with low unemployment and poverty levels”.

Mission Statement:

“Expanding human opportunities, through entrepreneurship support for Job and Wealth Creation.”

Our values

  1. Teamwork: We respect and support each other whilst working co-operatively to achieve mutually beneficial results, respecting one another’s views, and making our work environment fun and enjoyable.
  2. Honesty: Being open and honest in all our dealings and maintaining the highest integrity at all times.
  3. Excellence: Always doing what we say we will and striving for excellence and quality in everything we do.
  4. Commitment: We work with urgency and commitment to be successful from individual and company perspectives.
  5. Service above self: We take ownership of our customer’s needs and are accountable for delivering friendly and professional service. We enjoy their custom, so they deserve our service -timely, responsive, proactive, meeting their needs and aiming to delight.
  6. Professionalism: We act with integrity, providing quality service, and being reliable and responsible. We value learning and feedback.

What We Do

  1. Institution-Based Entrepreneurship Clubs

We create and run institution-based entrepreneurship clubs in public and private secondary schools, colleges and universities. This is a critical level of intervention, as it holds a cadre of youths about to join society with higher expectations to be employed.

Through clubs, beneficiaries will be trained in entrepreneurship and small business management. Subjects and topics that will be covered during Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management training meetings will include;

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Generating Business Idea
  • Savings/Financial Literacy
  • Costing and Pricing
  • Basic Book-keeping
  • Marketing
  • Corporate Governance and Operational Management
  • Business Plan
  • Career Guidance

Members are also provided with mentorship, coaching, apprentice, industrial exposure, attendance at a business forum, and provincial and national boot camp opportunities, among other beneficial activities. The programme also facilitates the maintenance of voluntary savings bank accounts among club members to build capital for future enterprise development. Savings shall mature at the end of a three-year period, and the member will be free to access their money to start a business.

The programme, therefore, builds the capacity of students to become confident and professional future entrepreneurs who can develop innovations that help create jobs for themselves and others once they graduate, as opposed to seeking employment either in public or private institutions where jobs are not even readily available. Register Now

  1. Community-Based Entrepreneurship Clubs

At the community level, community members are encouraged to join and form entrepreneurship clubs within their locality, with a membership of not more than thirty members per club. The programme targets out-of-school youths who are roaming the streets, and youths in the informal sector, including those who are working and are willing to acquire entrepreneurship and business management skills, diversify their income sources and participate in job and wealth creation through entrepreneurship development. The clubs hold weekly entrepreneurship and small business management training meetings to discuss business and saving ideas at their agreed time and place.

The programme provides an alternative career pathway where members learn how to become their bosses and create employment for others through entrepreneurship. It helps members defeat the job-seeking mentality but promotes a self-employment culture in the face of high unemployment levels among youths in the country. The programme, therefore, seeks to equip members with skills to identify business opportunities in any given environment, create business innovations, marshal resources to apply to such businesses, and manage them successfully. Register Now

  1. Agribusiness Development for Agro-Based Cooperatives

The programme works with Agro-cooperatives countrywide to promote agribusiness activities that support farmers in taking full potential benefits in the food value chain business for improved and sustainable farmer performance and profitability. It promotes value addition through processing and packaging. One in every six cooperatives identified in a district becomes a parent cooperative into which the other five feed; and shall be used as processing and packaging hubs.

The programme entails the provision of training in entrepreneurship and small business management, specialized training in food processing and packaging with barcode, and provision of loans in terms of processing equipment (such as cooking oil-making machines, peanut butter-making machines, hammer mills, livestock feed making machines, sausage-making machines, rice processing machines, egg incubators etc.), provision of packaging materials, trade facilitation.

The programme also facilitates the marketing and selling of processed and packaged products to credible customers like Shoprite, PicknPay, Choppies, Game stores, and other local supermarkets and retailers countrywide. This allows farmers to sell value-added products at competitive prices and avoid exploitation by briefcase buyers. Because it is a nationwide program, we can meet the supply volumes required by the above-stated customers.

Eventually, the programme envisions setting up ‘Community Super Markets’ stores in all the ten provincial capitals, where locally processed and packaged foodstuffs will be sold. Community Super Markets will be open to other food producers and processors to sell their products at a fee. Participating agro-cooperatives will own shares in these stores. A Special Purpose Vehicle entity, Prestew Food Solutions Limited, manages this programme. Register Now

  1. Enterprise Development

This is the programme’s ultimate purpose, as it seeks to create jobs and wealth for the people. Therefore, the programme facilitates establishing and registering business enterprises either with the Patent and Company Registration Authority – PACRA or with the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry as Cooperatives. The companies formed start businesses they define in their business plans developed during the training.

These business enterprises will be formed by 15 programme beneficiaries as shareholders/company owners. The number 15 will include the following positions; Register Now

  1. Managing Director …………………………. 1
  2. Deputy Managing Director ………………… 1
  • Finance and Administration Directors ……. 2
  1. Productions and Operations Directors …… 4
  2. Sales and Marketing Directors ……………. 3
  3. Procurement Director ………………………. 2
  • Property and Assets Directors …………….. 2
  1. Crowd Funding

The programme opens four web-based crowdfunding windows every year, each for Regional Area Block1 (comprising Eastern, Lusaka and Muchinga provinces)

Regional Block2 (comprising Central and Northern provinces)

Regional Block3 (comprising Copperbelt, North-western and Luapula provinces)

And Regional Block 4 (comprising Southern and Western provinces); where clubs will be posting their business proposal concepts to attract funding.

Regional Block1 (comprising Eastern, Lusaka and Muchinga provinces) window opens and runs from 1st January to 31st March.

Regional Block 2 (comprising Central and Northern provinces), the window opens and runs from 1st April to 30th June.

Regional Block3 (comprising Copperbelt, North-western and Luapula provinces) window opens and runs from 1st July to 30th September, while Regional Block4 (comprising Southern and Western provinces) window opens and runs from 1st October to 31st December.

Eligible entrepreneurship clubs are requested to submit a maximum of four (4) paged business concept notes with a budget not exceeding US$150,000. Clubs not in that particular window are obliged to donate towards any business concept note that interests them. Apart from contributions made by national alumni members, concept notes also attract crowdfunding from individuals and organisations worldwide that are passionate about solving world problems and contributing to poverty reduction. Register Now

Those making donations freely contribute any amount of money towards the proposed business of their interest. It could be US$20, US$50, US$100, US$200, US$500, US$1,000……… etc. 10% of every donation is retained by Entrepreneurs Development Circles as a management fee.

6. Business Credit Solutions: We offer very flexible and collateral-free business loans to groups of entrepreneurial individuals, comprising between 5 – 15 members or shareholders, organized in a formal and legally established enterprise, cooperative, association, Club or other organizations who jointly and severally commit to being liable for the loan repayments and interest accrued. Loans are offered to our corporate members to help them meet their business financial needs and are paid back at 12% interest over an agreed period. Members can apply for a loan at any time of the year. Register Now to become a corporate member.

  1. ITC Solutions: We develop various tailor-made computer programs, databases, stock, payroll, school management software systems, mobile apps, and online advertisements. Request Now
  2. Business Training: We offer online training in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, basic Bookkeeping and Accounts, Customer Relations, Corporate Governance, Resource Mobilization, and Project management. Register Now
  3. Other: Through our continental and regional chapters, members enjoy pieces of training, mentorship, coaching, apprenticing, networking, and support to enterprise development, funding, attendance at business forums and expos, organized industrial tours and regional and international exchange visits. Register Now to become a member.

Six Fundamental Programme Pillars

  • Training
  • Mentorship/Coaching
  • Apprentice
  • Networking and Solidarity
  • Enterprise Development
  • Funding

Membership Requirements and Benefits

The two critical requirements for this project are becoming a member of the entrepreneurship club either at an institution or in the community and receiving training in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. One can apply to the following membership categories and pay appropriate fees.

  1. Free Financial Literacy Course and pay K0.00 x 30-day trial. If you want to continue and obtain a certificate, you must pay a fee of K60 for the entire course. Learn how to increase savings, budget, calculate taxes, and use banking products and their features. Free online certification in financial literacy will help you develop a foundational understanding of money matters. The course covers accumulating money, making retirement plans, and handling debt.
  2. Gold Members and pay K4,000 (can be spread over 15 months instalments) who only benefit from training and apprentice through a club membership card plus a certificate
  3. Silver Members pay K3,400 (can be spread over 15 months instalments) and enjoy full benefits for minority shareholders in their companies plus a certificate.
  4. Platinum Members pay K4,600 (can be spread over 15 months instalments) and enjoy full benefits as majority shareholders in their companies plus a certificate.
  5. Secondary school club members will only pay an annual membership fee of K50 and K200 for materials.
  6. Diamond(Real Estate Coaching) and pay K15,899( can be spread over 12 months instalments). This is an optional module for those who want to create generational wealth in the real estate niche.

Our team

Our team of business advisors and project managers has broad international and local experience from diverse backgrounds, including; legal, business, development, health, ITC, and political. We share a genuine interest in facilitating development cooperation and the commitment to ‘making a difference by supporting responsible community and business projects in less developed countries and disadvantaged communities therein. We love travelling to meet our partners to work and share experiences on projects with high economic and social impact.

Angel Investor Program
An opportunity to “GO GREEN AND CREAT WEALTH.”
Discover How Busy Professionals Can Passively Invest & benefit from our New Angel Investor Program.
We have attracted Top Agribusiness and Prime Businesses incorporating & registering on our robust and exciting first-ever introduced program in Zambia and Africa.
Angel Investors can join on either of the two fronts.
1)Investing in agribusiness to fund processing equipment and packaging materials, where we will work with 240 organized farmer groups and cooperatives around Zambia. The processing equipment and packaging materials you fund are loans you must recoup with 10-14% interest over 6-18 months, payable in equal monthly instalments.
The funds will be securely deposited into our participating bank, NATIVE, before it is channelled to various projects.
The area of investment where to expect good ROI, faster are:

1) Agriculture, where we do outgrower scheme with reputable organizations in Zambia
* Chillie production
* Legume production (soybean, groundnuts, beans)
* Irish potatoes
2) Bulk merchandising (bulk cooking oil, salt, sugar, rice, and beans)
3) Butchery business (pork, beef, fish, chickens, and other products including mince, sausages, polony, chilli bite)
4) Poultry and piggery (broiler, layers for egg production, and pork)
5) Software development and e-Learning platform providing entrepreneurship and basic business skills to schools, colleges/universities, and the community.
Note: As a member of the Zambia Development Agency, we will target export markets, mainly the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Malawi, Botswana, and Namibia.
We expect more organizations to come on board.
We have launched a campaign in all regions starting from Chipata, to sensitize students/community members and those about to retire. The market is vast. So grow with us and achieve financial freedom before others who may join later. WE DO ALL THE LEG WORK ON YOUR BEHALF WHILE YOU SIT AND WAIT FOR YOUR INVESTMENT TO MATURE!
Please, if you are interested and committed, complete the application form below, and we shall respond to you the soonest before the farming season ends!

The process
1) Make an application via CJ Investment online
1) Be subjected to an interview with Charles and Steward.
2) We share investor agreement. The minimum amount required to invest is $5,000 if you want to get a better return.
3) We both sign it if you are satisfied and close the deal.
4)Funds will be deposited into our bank account at NATSAVE before it is channelled to your specific portfolio.
5)Wait for your dividends to mature.

1)Access to your funds shall mature after three months of investment and six months in the agricultural business.
2)Return on business investment such as e-learning/software, corporate, and general dealing shall be calculated after 18 months and on the applicable monthly flat rate per our schedule.
3)Group of angel investors jointly registered on the same investment business of EDC/CJ Investment; ROI shall be calculated proportionate to each investor’s overall investment.
4)Opportunity to re-invest at the end of the expiry period of 18 months if you write to us within seven days from the expiry date of this agreement.
5)Depending on the type of portfolio you invested in, TT makes monthly payments into the investor’s nominated bank account soon after maturity.

When you are ready, get started today!


SGM – Entrepreneurs Development Circles

Indeco House, 5th Floor, Room 506, Cairo Road

C/O P.O. Box 30560, Lusaka, Zambia

Phone: +260 971 032 787

Mobile: +260 760 114 844



CJ Investiment Property and Academy

C/O WOW Secret Harbour PCL Locker

Shop 5/420 Secret Habour Boulevard

WA 6173, Perth Australia

Email: info@cjinvestiment.com


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