Student Accommodation Success Story

Student Accommodation Success Story

In February this year, five Zambians living in Australia came together and decided to solve student accommodation in Zambia by investing funds into this new niche. They formed what is called Diaspora Savings Group to pursue Silverest Investment Project for student accommodation.

Each member contributed an equal amount per month toward this investment.

They engaged a local Lawyer in Zambia to manage the undertaking. A developer, Musafili & Wright Capital Ltd was contracted to start the project in June. The project has progressed well and it is projected to be completed by February 2022 in time for the first semester.



The five investors have demonstrated the power of working together, so much can be achieved in a short time when a shared vision and goals remain strong in each investor.

As entrepreneurs, they are solving the student accommodation crisis in Zambia. Most often, university students who come from neighbouring countries struggle to find accommodation in the capital city of Zambia.

We take our hats off to these gallant men and women who are injecting jobs into the Zambian economy. Young youth with skills have been employed and are able to put food on their table and take care of their families.

We hope that other investors will take advantage of Zambia’s new market.

For inquiries please contact Diaspora Savings Group on +44 7514 533235‬ WhatsApp


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