New Book Launch Coming Soon

New Book Launch Coming Soon

In the above modelling, I was creating the future in the present moment.

After the photo shoot, Cranston took one for the road. In the photo ☝🏽: Cranston with a finger on Camera 📷, Ba Charles, Jacob & Walter (our photo shoot photographers) and myself. All Zambian-born production. Look out for photos: In Book 📖 Launch Promotion materials.
Davies Chibale explained that Yes, always better to have fun and enjoy the journey because in some cases the journey may be all we have as the destination may not be achieved or one may change their mind. But importantly, even with our good intentions, the journey is all we have under our control, the destination is outside our control.

The present moment is within our control, and the future (destination) is outside our control.

We create the future in the present moment.

It is said, the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Interestingly, the creation of the future happens in the present moment, by our taking inspired actions in the present moment and by doing something now in anticipating that which we desire to see in the future.

Looking forward to supporting us by pre-ordering a copy from our secure link here, price includes shipping.

Charles Kaluwasha


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