A life-saving investment in People’s lives

A life-saving investment in People’s lives

CareFlight Service  extends it’s gratitude to active and supporting crew members to help the organisation continue carrying life-saving plasma that helps blood to clot, preventing injured patients bleeding to death.As a Support Crew Member, my generosity is so important in helping CareFlight Team to develop medical advancements like this that provide better outcomes for critically injured Australians. Not only do we invest in properties but also in social and community we live in.

I have been a supporting member for more than 3 years now. My small contribution goes a long way to enable the organisation to carry out its obligation efficiently and effectively and I quote;

Donate to save lives
“Helping patients survive severe blood loss
“Charles, the chance of surviving a serious trauma is now better thanks to an Australian first pioneered by CareFlight.CareFlight is the first emergency service in the country to carry life-saving plasma that helps blood to clot, preventing injured patients bleeding to death.As a Support Crew Member, your generosity is so important in helping us to develop medical advancements like this that provide better outcomes for critically injured Australians.CareFlight was also one of the first services worldwide to carry red blood cells, more than 30 years ago.New procedures for extending the life of precious plasma means CareFlight can now carry it to trauma scenes. If the plasma is not used, it can be returned to the hospital’s blood bank and used for patients who need it, so this vital resource isn’t wasted.This innovation means CareFlight’s medical teams can give blood transfusions to a patient at the scene, and also help slow their bleeding.Our medical research programs explore ways in which more lives can be saved and they couldn’t continue without your support.
It’s another reason why we are so thankful that you are part of our crew.
Mick Frewen Chief Executive Officer, CareFlight
Charles Kaluwasha


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