business plan

Development Program for job and Wealth Creation Workshop

On 17th Of February 2022, CJInvestiment and its partner SGM- Intrapreneurs Development Cycles of Zambia, in Collaboration with Pretew Food Solutions Limited and ReuMailFab & Marketing technologies and marketing limited held an induction course for its 27 District Program Facilitators drawn from 10 provinces of Zambia. The two-day induction course was held at the Blue […]

Business Plan, Do you need one?

Alternate Names for Business Plans: A Business Plan is also known as: Marketing Strategy Business Plan Sales Plan for a Business Proposal What exactly is a business plan? A business plan is a critical planning tool used by new and existing business owners to outline company goals, objectives, and challenges, as well as information about […]

Do You need a Business Plan to Start a Business? Here is My Recommendation…

Starting a business without a Business Plan in place can get chaotic if important considerations, such as outlining the company’s organizational hierarchy, main products or services, or marketing strategy, are neglected, dismissed, or forgotten. Though some people state that you do not need a Business Plan to start a business, I strongly recommended that you […]

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